Upcoming Public Workshops, Gatherings & Meetings


Public Courses

Fellowship of Isis – College of Isis: Correspondence Course

Public Gatherings


Public Workshops

Isis & Isis Seichim Worshop TBA

Sekhmet & Sekhmet Sekhem Workshop TBA


Attendees Please Note: Those attending any of my workshops, gatherings and meetings are expected to behave with common courtesy and respect for all gathered at all times. Anyone not adhering to this simple rule will be asked to leave. Guests will have the option of participating in any public ritual offered or alternatively can get to know the other attendees and facilitator in a neutral environment before contributing and partaking.  Please note I do not allow bystanders at my events.  For clarity this means those who not wish to be part of sacred space are not allowed to simply stand outside the space and watch as its distracting and disrespectful.