Magick of the Solar Eclipse: 8th April 2024

What, When and Why

We are having a solar eclipse on the which falls on the 8th of April 2024.

The solar eclipse occurs when the moon falls between the earth and the sun which casts a shadow over the earth.

This will be a total solar eclipse and occurs when the moon and the sun is exactly aligned with the earth but the moon being smaller than the sun enables the sun to surround the moon as a bright ring.

Please Note: A solar eclipse should ONLY be viewed through solar filters like a pair of solar eclipse glasses for safety reasons, as you don’t want to damage your eyes. PLEASE NEVER look at the sun without adequate protection. For more information on what you need to see the eclipse safely which includes what equipment you need please go here for more information:

This solar eclipse where the Sun forms a ‘ring of fire’ around the Moon will be visible along a path that crosses the USA.

To see if you can view the eclipse from your area, go here for more information:

Magick of the Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse magick is when the energy is amplified due to the moon energies intermingling with the sun energies.  The sun and the moon are in the same star sign and the energies co-mingling this way, emphasis is the energies of that particular sign.  This solar eclipse is in Aries* therefore the energies heightened during this time is the Libra star sign.

The kind of magick you can perform during the solar eclipse:

  • Liminal – magick worked between the darkness and the light.
  • Transition – use the sun and moon moving through this time to highlight or work with important transitions in your life.
  • Transformation – deep within and also that which surrounds us.
  • Change – harness this quick moving energy to bring about purposeful change in your life.
  • Rebirth – moving from one cycle to the other in the form of a death of the old and and bringing in and welcoming of the new.
  • Breaking – down barriers before you which have caused blockages in your life can now be removed.
  • Movement – cleanse the stagnant decayed and no longer necessary and embrace the fresh new and potential within problem areas of your life.
  • Rituals/Spells – in dedication to Gods who embrace this time and can assist you in manifesting the energies of the liminal, transitional, rebirth, movement, breaking away and change such as Hekate.

Sorcery of the Solar Eclipse

*Aries moon is a good time for renewal of energies, transformation and new beginnings.

Since Aries is a fire sign it’s a great time to work with this element.

This is a good time to rebalance with Hekate’s fire and bring in manifestation of courageous endeavours with the confidence she illuminates.

The element of fire resonates with passion and purpose through drive and determination. I feel that fanning the flames of your personal hearth can be used to manifest the magick of this moon in the form of renewed progression or the sparked beginning of a specific task or goal your want to achieve along with career, travel or health objectives you want to materialise.

Fire magic using incense or flame such as candle, lamp or even torch and fire place/pit is ideal for this moon.

Setjataset’s Bay Leaf Spell

Take a bay leaf (dried) and write your name on one side and then your desire on the other and then burn it after reciting these words:

Great Hekate bring your illumination

As I come to you in veneration

I request my desires to be fulfilled

Bless my magick to grow and build

Great Hekate bring me my desire

Manifest my wishes with your fire.”

*Aries is an fire sign which is ruled by Mars. It is a sign which can appear confident, fiery, direct and motivated. It is also quite an outgoing energy and builds community with leadership and passion.

In her name


(C) T. Georgitsis 2024

Magick of the Solar Eclipse: 14th/15th October

What, When and Why

We are having a solar eclipse on the new moon which falls on the 14th of October in the Northern Hemisphere and the 15th October in the Southern Hemisphere.

The solar eclipse occurs when the moon falls between the earth and the sun which casts a shadow over the earth. A solar eclipse can only occur during the new moon phase.

An annular eclipse is when the moon and the sun is exactly aligned with the earth but the moon being smaller than the sun enables the sun to surround the moon as a bring ring.

Please Note: A solar eclipse should ONLY be viewed through solar filters like a pair of solar eclipse glasses for safety reasons, as you don’t want to damage your eyes. PLEASE NEVER look at the sun without adequate protection. For more information on what you need to see the eclipse safely which includes what equipment you need please go here for more information:

This solar eclipse where the Sun forms a ‘ring of fire’ around the Moon will be visible along a path that crosses the USA, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, and Brazil.

To see if you can view the eclipse from your area, go here for more information:

Magick of the Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse magick is when the energy is amplified due to the moon energies intermingling with the sun energies.  The sun and the moon are in the same star sign and the energies co-mingling this way, emphasises the energies of that particular sign.  This solar eclipse is in Libra* therefore the energies heightened during this time is the Libra star sign.

The kind of magick you can perform during the solar eclipse:

  • Liminal – magick worked between the darkness and the light.
  • Transition – use the sun and moon moving through this time to highlight or work with important transitions in your life.
  • Transformation – deep within and also that which surrounds us.
  • Change – harness this quick moving energy to bring about purposeful change in your life.
  • Rebirth – moving from one cycle to the other in the form of a death of the old and and bringing in and welcoming of the new.
  • Breaking – down barriers before you which have caused blockages in your life can now be removed.
  • Movement – cleanse the stagnant decayed and no longer necessary and embrace the fresh new and potential within problem areas of your life.
  • Rituals/Spells – in dedication to Gods who embrace this time and can assist you in manifesting the energies of the liminal, transitional, rebirth, movement, breaking away and change such as Hekate.

Sorcery of the Solar Eclipse

*Libra moon is a good time for rebalancing and rejuvenating your life. It’s also an ideal time to bring in new experiences, connections and things which can facilitate this.

Since Libra is an air sign it’s a great time to work with this element.

This is a good time to rebalance with Hekate’s words of power and bring in manifestation of divine justice within and outside of yourself.

The element of air resonates with sacred speech. I feel the chant below would be particularly useful to intone during this time which can be used to manifest the magick of this moon in the form of protection, desire and manifestation of wishes:

“Askei Kataskei Eron Oreon Ior Mega Samnyer Baui Phobantia Semne” (1)

Intone it 3 times after you have made offerings at a crossroads or her shrine or altar.

*Libra is an air sign which is ruled by Venus. It is a sign which can appear intelligent, persuasive, charming, honest and thrives on connectivity. It is also quite outgoing and resonates with attaining balance though peace and justice.

In her name


1 More info on this magical incantation.

(C) T. Georgitsis 2023

Hekate’s Deipnon by Setjataset

Hekate’s Deipnon is Hekate’s main day of veneration and adoration which falls on the Dark of the Moon.  This works out to be at the end of the month in the Athenian Calender (aka Attic Calendar) and any time before the first sliver of the new moon appears in the sky.  The word Deipnon means supper/evening meal which *traditionally was the biggest meal in the day.

Hekate’s Deipnon is a time to:

  1. Venerate Hekate and keep the restless dead at bay;
  2. Clean and purify the home, shrines, altar and ourselves in preparation for the Noumenia (New Moon); and
  3. Make up for slights or offences caused to Hekate, as she won’t grant your boon or bless you unless you make amends.

Making and leaving offerings during the Deipnon is a beautiful hands on approach to honour Hekate and is a very important aspect of ritualised practice in her name.  It’s also a way to placate the restless dead, as in Ancient Greece it was believed that Hekate was the Guide of Lost Souls, whom she guided into the underworld flanked by her hounds.  Traditionally perishable food and drink offerings were left inside or upon shrines, on the door step of homes or at a crossroads.  Offerings left outside were typically left in the middle of a crossroads – the person would present the offering, turn around and leave  without looking back, lest they go mad or anger the restless dead and be followed to their home. Those who were poor, hungry and/or homeless would often consume the offerings.  This wasn’t seen as anathema by the ancients but instead viewed as something which offered a dual purpose – one of honouring Hekate and one of feeding the needy.

Modern practitioners are divided in their practice with respects to the perishable Deipnon offerings – some dispose of the items, saying to partake is unfavourable, whilst others disagree and consume them in an act of appropriating her blessings. Modern devotees as well as placing offerings in traditional places, also use liminal locations such as: the base of trees, mouth openings of caves, edge of a streams, rivers or beaches. Tithing has also become quite popular among modern practitioners with goods, services or donations being given to various charities which predominately include nursing homes, hospitals, homeless shelters, soup kitchens and animal rescue homes.

Other non-perishable things to proffer Hekate during the Deipnon are things you want to remove from your life and sweepings from the home.  Taking stock and cleaning out your pantry or fridge is an ideal way to “clean house” and find items to present at the Deipnon .  Other suggestions to engage in during the Deipnon could be to “spring clean” your home and/or work, donate items not needed to charity and/or sell them with proceeds going to good causes.  Some other suggestions are helping out your local community and spiritual/religious/magickal groups you are connected to, cleaning up of natural public places (beaches, parks etc) and assisting family, friends, acquaintances or perfect strangers in need. Every little bit helps regardless how small the token, as giving of yourself without expectation of return is a very distinguished way to venerate Hekate.

The Deipnon is also an apt marker as it’s a timely way to set goals with respect to the things you want to rid yourself of emotionally, physically and spiritually.  Following every Deipnon you can check on your accomplishments and progress with regards to following through with removing the obstacles or things you wanted out of your life.

Traditionally Purification of the home was another important aspect of the Deipnon and included the following steps:

  1. Clean and sweep out all waste including the fireplace;
  2. Fumigate through censoring the home and persons with incense and sacred herbs; and/or
  3. The sacrifice of a black dog, especially when it related to bad deeds the householders wanted to expel.

These days the practices outlined above are continued with modern devotees, with the exception of the sacrificial dog, which is rightfully frowned upon.

I personally like to clean, purify, refresh my working shrine/altar with offerings and set goals of banishments/removals of toxic and unnecessary things in my life.  I also empty my **Kathiskos to Hekate and many other devotees find this useful.  I take a jar which has been consecrated and decorated in Hekate’s name and place items from my fridge and pantry in the jar.  These items, for me, symbolise prosperity and vitality and the Kathiskos is created during the Noumenia (New Moon) which I then empty and clean out during the Deipnon.

Some traditional offerings to leave out for Hekate’s Deipnon are:

Ampiphion (cheesecake with candles), milk, eggs, garlic, bread, bay leaves, honey, wine, olive oil, onion, fish, leeks and incense (myrrh, frankincense, copal and storax).

Some modern offerings to leave out for Hekate’s Deipnon are:

Craft projects for items used in Hekate’s name, pomegranates, honey cakes, lamb, herbs associated with Hekate (wormwood, poppy seeds, rue, maidenhair fern, bay laurel, lavender, juniper, mandrake, mint, mugwort and saffron ), raisins, apples, snakeskin, dog hair, oak leaves, roses, mushrooms, mead, keys, skulls, poppy flowers, crystals( amethyst, tourmaline, onyx and black obsidian), poppy and sesame seeds, candles and oil burners.

The way to dispose of perishable offerings from the home is to place in compost, bury or burn off in an incinerator/fire pit.

Whatever you decide to offer Hekate during the Deipnon ensure it is pure of heart and effort and that you do your best with what you have or can acquire.

* Traditionally as in the traditions of devotees, followers or the people in Ancient Greece.

**Kathiskos was traditionally made for Zeus and means “small bucket” in Greek.  It’s a small sealed jar which is used to contain a portion of your home’s food prosperity to Deity.

(C) T. Georgitsis 2014 – Updated 2020 and 2023

Magick of the Hybrid Solar Eclipse: 20th April 2023

What, When and Why

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon falls between the earth and the sun which casts a shadow over the earth. A solar eclipse can only occur during the new moon phase.

An annular eclipse is when the moon and the sun is exactly aligned with the earth but the moon being smaller than the sun enables the sun to surround the moon as a bring ring.

This is a Hybrid Solar Eclipse which is a rare type of eclipse – a combination of an annular eclipse and a total solar eclipse. This rare solar eclipse is sometimes known as an A-T eclipse and is produced when the moon’s shadow moves across Earth, it starts as one type of eclipse and transitions to another.

This solar eclipse will be visible in Western Australia, Antarctica and SE Asia.

You will be able to view this hybrid eclipse with the ring of fire for a few seconds in the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Please Note: A hybrid solar eclipse should ONLY be viewed through solar filters like a pair of solar eclipse glasses for safety reasons, as you don’t want to damage your eyes. PLEASE NEVER look at the sun without adequate protection. For more information on what you need to see the eclipse safely which includes what equipment you need please go here for more information:

To see if you can view the eclipse from your area, go here for more information:

Magick of the Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse magick is when the energy is amplified due to the moon energies intermingling with the sun energies.  The sun and the moon are in the same star sign and the energies co-mingling this way, emphasises the energies of that particular sign.  This solar eclipse is in Scorpio* therefore the energies heightened during this time is the Scorpio star sign.

The kind of magick you can perform during the solar eclipse:

  • Liminal – magick worked between the darkness and the light.
  • Transition – use the sun and moon moving through this time to highlight or work with important transitions in your life.
  • Change – harness this quick moving energy to bring about purposeful change in your life.
  • Rebirth – moving from one cycle to the other in the form of a death of the old and and bringing in and welcoming of the new.
  • Breaking – down barriers before you which have caused blockages in your life can now be removed.
  • Movement – cleanse the stagnant decayed and no longer necessary and embrace the fresh new and potential within problem areas of your life.
  • Rituals/Spells – in dedication to Gods who embrace this time and can assist you in manifesting the energies of the liminal, transitional, rebirth, movement, breaking away and change such as Hekate.

Sorcery of the Solar Eclipse

*Aries moon is a good time for beginnings, endings and coupled with the eclipse which is all about revelations this can be a good time to help reveal things which you can tackle with headstrong determination.

Since Aries is a fire sign it’s a great time to work with this element.  Being a sign which embraces the warrior it allows us to tackle obstacles with courage and confidence as we can finally see the truth before us. Great for letting go of old things which no longer serve us and embracing the new possibilities which aid us.

This is a good time to heal with Hekate’s fires of illumination and transformation as she can show us what we path we need to move away from and what doors are open to us for the progression forward. This can be a connection to someone, employment or a personal behaviour which no longer serves us and whilst difficult to let go of makes room for new connections, jobs and choices/habits/ which are stronger and healthier and overall better for you. 

Sacrifice that which no longer is needed and allow the blessings of what will benefit you moreso a place in your life.

The element of fire is creative and it is the element of action just like Hekate.  Fire is at the hearth of the home, a place where Hekate’s shrine is placed.  Fire illuminates and brightens the darkness allowing us to see which way we need to go and Hekate’s role as psychopomp can help us with that.  Here is a ritual I would like to share with you which you can use to honour Hekate in a Hellenic way and which utilises the element of fire:

Hellenic Hekate Fire Ritual
© T. Georgitsis 2015


Wash your hands in some khernips (lustral water) which you have placed in a bowl outside sacred space (where the altar is kept).  

At this point state, “Let all that is profane be gone!

Take barley and throw the offering of cleansing upon the altar and upon the sacred space and say “Hekas hekas este o-bebeloi” (Afar, Afar, O The/Ye Profane),


Form a formal procession and walk towards the sacred space from the east, carrying the offerings with you 

Present the offerings to Hekate by holding them up in a gesture of oblation and place them on the altar. You do not need to speak to do this but may say a few words as a statement of purpose if you are inspired.

Sprinkle khernips over offerings to purify them with the words “Xerniptosai” (be purified).


Light a fire pit, oil lamp, brazier or candle for Hekate.  

Throw or sprinkle incense into the fire.

Read out loud or sing a hymn in Hekate’s name.

Preces (Prayer Proper)

Write a petition to Hekate and read it out loud three times.

Pour a libation of oil, wine or honey’d milk to Hekate upon the ground.

Praxis (Working Proper)

Create the magickal working needed such as divination, healing or blessings of any items.  This can be accompanied with singing, dancing, chanting and more offerings and libations.

Thanks and Closing

Thank Hekate by saying:

Hekate, in your name we gathered, in your name we depart.  Thank you for your eternal illumination and blessings.

Step away from the ritual space by backing away, turning to the right and leaving without looking back.

Ritual is now complete and any feasting can take place.

*Aries is a fire sign which is ruled by Mars. It is a sign which can appear passionate, motivated and direct, yet they are cheerful and make great leaders due to their determination and ability to built community.

In her name


(C) T. Georgitsis 2023