Pagan Blog Project: A is for Abramelin Oil

What is Abramelin Oil

Abramelin oil is an oil blend used for ceremonial purposes. The recipe is an adaptation from the Jewish Holy Oil of the Tanakh and appears in the mediaeval grimoire called “The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage” written by Abraham of Worms. It was popularised and brought into the modern era by practitioners of the occult Aleister Crowley and SL McGregor Mathers.

Tina’s Abramelin Oil   


  1. 2 Part Myrrh
  2. 1 Part Cassia (replace with 1 part cinnamon if not able to source)
  3.  3 Parts Cinnamon
  4. 1 Part Calamus (aka Sweet Flag)
  5.  4-8 Parts Olive Oil (depending on preference for strength of scent ie use less if you want it stronger)


  1. Blend all oils.
  2. Once blended, store in a glass vial and keep within the temple out of direct sunlight.

Simple Use for Abramelin Oil

A masculine anointing and consecration oil for temple tools and self.  Provides wisdom, stability, love, prosperity and success.

Anoint crown chakra and third eye before ceremonial magick work.

© T. Georgitsis 2014

7 thoughts on “Pagan Blog Project: A is for Abramelin Oil

  1. I’d be nervous to add more cinnamon if I haven’t any Cassia oil especially if it’s adding to more cinnamon. I’d also would use it sparingly since cinnamon is potent and can have a burning aspect….at least from my experience from working with cinnamon ain any kinds of anointing recipes. I often stick with frankincense and myrrh as my anointing oil.


    1. Cinnamon is commonly used as replacement for Cassia when making Abramelin Oil as it comes from the same family and has similar properties. Its supposed to sting and have a kick to it as a ceremonial anointing oil and should be used sparingly as Crowrley wrote “it should burn and thrill through the body with an intensity as of fire.” – Magick, Book 4, p.60.

      I’ve been making various anointing oils for years since I studied aromatherapy and this one is a specific oil used by ceremonial magicians (predominately Golden Dawners and Thelemites) to anoint their tools and in some specific rituals.


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