Magic of the Lunar Eclipse: 29th October 2023


What, When and Why of the Lunar Eclipse

A Partial Lunar Eclipse is happening during the Full Moon on the 29th October at 7.24am EST (Southern Hemisphere) and 1.23pm PT 28th October (Northern Hemisphere).

A partial lunar eclipse happens during a full moon when the earth’s placement falls between the sun and the moon – which casts a shadow across the moon.

This eclipse will be safely visible with the naked eye from everywhere in the night if the sky is clear.  To see when you can view the eclipse from your area, go here for more information:

Magick of the Eclipse

Eclipse magick is when the energy is amplified due to the moon energies intermingling.  The Lunar Eclipse energies transition through the new and full moon phases during the eclipse, which enables the moon to cycle through the various stages of the moon and its magick.

This eclipse is in Taurus therefore the energies heightened during this time is the Taurus star sign.

The kind of magick you can perform during the Lunar Eclipse:

  • Liminal – magick worked between the darkness and the light.
  • Releasing – let go and relinquish excesses which hold you down.
  • Manifestation – setting goals, intentions and affirmations.
  • Breaking – curses, bad habits, bad relationships and connections.
  • Transformation – self/surroundings, spellwork and health encompassing all aspects of oneself (body/mind/spirit and emotion).
  • Devotion – to lunar or liminal Gods and Goddess.
  • Focus – personal and spiritual development along with illumination and psychic work (divination and magickal goals).


Sorcery of the Full Moon Eclipse

This full moon falls in the star sign of Taurus which symbolises stability.  This moon would be ideal for creating and manifesting financial stability as well as solid connections in friendships and romantic relationships,

Below is a Hekate Eclipse ritual I personally created which I have reenacted successfully and which I would like to share with you:

Hekate Eclipse Magic by Setjataset


Chose a liminal time and place for the ritual to be set, preferably around the time of the eclipse.

Purify body by showering.

Your working space and offering should be placed on a shrine or working altar and should include: black candle, white candle, purified water, salt, a token or offering you have for Hekate, incense and an image/statue of Hekate.

Welcoming and Opening

Open sacred space or the shrine/altar and welcome Hekate by simply calling to her or reciting a hymn, poem, evocation in her name.

Light your incense and waft over sacred space.

Sprinkle purified water mixed with salt over sacred space.

Magical Working

Write or carve on a black candle what you want to get rid of.

Write or carve on a white candle what you want to bring in.

Light both candles.

Push the black candle away from you and the white candle towards you and then say:

“Hekate Queen of Earth, Sky and Sea

Assist me to straddle this liminal time

Guide me through the Darkness and into the Light

With the power of the moon I bless and release my intentions” 

Let the candles burn down completely in a safe manner.

Thanks and Closing

Thank Hekate and close sacred space or the shrine/altar.


In her name



© T. Georgitis 2023

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