Isian News: Issue #191, Brigantia 2024

In the latest issue of Isian News by the Fellowship of Isis, features a few pieces by me:

For your FREE copy follow this link:

Hekate Devotion: Lammas/Lughnasadh

Lammas or Lughnasadh is the first autumn festival in the Southern Hemisphere calendar. This year Lammas falls on the 4th of February at 6.07pm. Gods such as Lugh, Mercury, Dagon, Demeter, Ceridwen, Ceres, Brigid and Dionysus can be honoured during this time of year. Historically it’s a Celtic festival which celebrates the First Harvest of the Fruits such as apples, grapes, tomatoes, peaches, plums but also celebrates the harvest of the first grain, wheat, oats and corn. Therefore traditionally the fruit gathered is made into preserves and the grains and corn made into bread or cakes.

I was introduced to this festival when I studied Wicca back in my teens and then was exposed to a celebration of it when I was in my first Wiccan coven in my early 20’s.  We would make corn dollies, bread and cakes and share it with one another.

I grew up with an immigrant Greek family and during this time of year they would make large stores of Passata due to it being used so often in their cooking. My father also made home-made moonshine using whatever was abundant and in season as well as his own wine and beer. My mother made Pita from home grown spinach and/or horta (wild grass) and fennel, stuffed vine leaves and also various Greek shortbreads and cakes.  They would both share what they made with family and friends as it was common practice where they grew up and brought that tradition here to Australia when they immigrated.

These days I continue a version of their traditions as I infuse store bought wine with homegrown Greek herbs, make passata from the tomatoes out of my garden, as well as bake traditional Greek village bread and Greek biscuits using organic ingredients. I have also used this time for years to make plum jam from my garden’s Victorian heirloom organic plums (due to the trees originally being part of a farm in the area before it was sub-divided into housing).  These items created from the seasonal harvest are offered to my Gods, Ancestors and loved ones where appropriate.

Due to been heavily influenced by the way I was raised, my rituals are a mix of honouring my personal Gods, ancestors and also honouring the land I live on.  I see this as a perfect blend of personal devotion as someone who works with the Gods, local spirits and venerates her ancestors in a modern way.  I don’t have any strong connection to the God Lugh, typically honoured during this time of year, so I personally use it as a harvest festival and honour my household Gods: Hekate with a libation set aside to Hestia. Other Gods which I have honoured during his time include Persephone, Demeter, Mercury and Apollo.

If like me if you honour any of the above Gods, you can make Greek shortbread or cheesecake for Hekate, pomegranate infused cakes or salads for Persephone, honey or sesame biscuits for Demeter, home-made wine for Mercury and home-made beer for Apollo.

It’s also a good time to make and dedicate devotional items you have crafted yourself over the summer. I tend to make and dedicate items to specific Gods utilising items from my garden due to it resonating with the vibe of the season and festival. Growing a lot of herbs, the ones which are in season, I collect preserve and store them for future use in Hekate’s name for various magical purposes.  I also collect resin, bark, leaves and branches from some of my trees to be used in items such as incense, waters, oils and magical tools.

I feel magically used crafts such as candles and incense are perfect to infuse with the energies of the season especially if we are able to harness these energies and channel them into the items.  I also tend to make preserves which I use in offerings thorough the remainder of the year

Also I personally feel that it is a good time to acknowledge the ancestors and leave them some food offerings as a form of ancestor veneration. I usually leave some food they liked in life such as kalamata olives, feta, stuffed vine leaves my mother taught me to make along with some Greek coffee which I can scry and divine with.

So even though the Hekate and Ancestral traditions of spirituality and magick I work, doesn’t sound like it fits exactly within the Lammas/Lughnasadh festival – I make it work for me and you can too as the most important thing I feel is devotion and dedication to your path whatever form that takes.

Seasonal Planting Guide:

Vegetables such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, fennel, kale, leek, lettuce, potato, silverbeet, spring onion, sweet corn, brussel sprouts, beetroot, carrot, parsnip, radish, rocket and mustard greens.

Herbs such as basil, sage, oregano, chives, parsley and thyme.

Flowers such as ageratum, alyssum, cleome, cyclamen, French marigold, gypsophila, Iceland poppy, lobelia, lupin, nigella, pansy, polyanthus, primula and verbena.

Some things you can do to honour and mark this time of year in your personal practice (or with a group of likeminded individuals) can be:

  1. Feast with loved ones.  Make food usually consumed during this time and partake or share with loved ones, as well as leave as offerings to your gods or gods of the season, land spirits and ancestors. It’s the perfect time for baking and anything which can be shared and is seasonal.
  2. Bake bread and offer the first loaf to the Gods of the season.  You can also take a loaf and cut it into quarters and place those quarters in each corner of your residence to bring good luck and prosperity.
  3. Harvest herbs, flowers, plants, fruits and vegetables and create a shrine or altar in celebration of the season.
  4. Rituals or spells involving gratitude, abundance, prosperity, luck and work.
  5. Trade or swap handmade items with loved ones.
  6. Make corn dollies or garlands of flowers or herbs.
  7. Dance or drum to raise energy and direct it into the earth.
  8. Write poetry or creative writing which could contain themes of the time of year.
  9. Visit a holy well and make offerings of flowers, cloth or coins and then circle the well clockwise for health and wealth blessings from the Gods.
  10. Leave grain and seeds which are safe for local birds and wildlife as offerings.
  11. Spend some time tending to your garden or indoor pots.
  12. Light a sacred fire in your fireplace or a bonfire in your backyard.
  13. Revamp your shrine or altar with the colours of the festival (Orange, Red, Yellow, Gold, Brown and Bronze) and adorn it with wheat, corn, applies and produce of the season (herbs, fruits, flowers and vegetables).

So work your magick this festive season, honour and celebrate the harvest and ask for what you want to be prosperous, abundant and full of good fortune in your life.

(C) T. Georgitsis 2024





2024 Sabbat Dates: Southern Hemisphere


Part of my practice is to honour my Gods and Ancestors during the astrological sabbat dates with seasonal devotionals, rituals and magick.

Below I have detailed the astrological sabbat dates for the Southern Hemisphere for 2024 with a brief description of what the day symbolises as well as their traditional dates:

First autumn harvest festival.

Traditional Date: February 1

Autumnal Equinox
Day and night have same length. Days get shorter.

Traditional Date: March 20

Samhain May

Veil between worlds thinnest.

Traditional Date: April 30 – May 1

Winter Solstice

Day has the longest night.  Sun is at its lowest elevation in the sky.

Traditional Date: June 21

Imbolc August
Marks the beginning of spring.

Traditional Date: August 1

Spring Equinox
September 22
Day and night have same length. Days get longer.

Traditional Date: September 21

Beltane November
Halfway point between spring and summer. Fertility festival.

Traditional Date: October 31

Summer Solstice
2024 7.20pm
Day has the longest daylight. Sun travels the longest path through the sky.

Traditional Date: December 21

All times are Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) – add 1 hour for Daylight Savings Time when applicable.

(C) T. Georgitsis 2024

Special Moons of 2024

Moon magick is a practice I strongly resonate with. I love to create and venerate with the various phases of moon.  I love to engage in the moon’s ebbs and flows where I can move with the energies and enact rites with and for my Gods and Ancestors.  Regardless of what path I practice, regardless of what sorcery I perform, the moon is my guide through it all – a guiding presence for my workings.

This year we have various unique moons coming up where you can practice your full and new moon rituals and spell-work with added punch due to the added significance of these moons.  There are different types of magick you can create during these various significant moon phases which can assist you with your practice.

Listed below I have created various pages explaining the different moons and what magick you can practice in the associated links:

Super New Moon: 10th February 2024 – Super Moon Magick

Micro Full Moon: 24th February 2024 – Micro Moon Magick

Super New Moon: 10th March 2024 – Super Moon Magick

Micro Full Moon: 25th March 2024 – Micro Moon Magick

Super New Moon: 9th April 2024 – Super Moon Magick

Blue Moon: 20th August 2024 – Blue Moon Magick

Super Full Moon: 18th September 2024 – Super Moon Magick

Micro New Moon: 3rd October 2024 – Micro Moon Magick

Super Full Moon: 17th October 2024 – Super Moon Magick

Black Moon: 31st December 2024 – Black Moon Magick

(C) T. Georgitsis 2024


2024 Moon Phases: Southern Hemisphere

As a magical practitioner I like to work with the phases of the moon.  I find these useful for various rituals, devotionals, spells and other magical workings.

Some magickal workings which can be conducted on the following moon phases:

Full Moon (Psychic & Manifestation)

Waxing Moon (Invoking/Bringing In)

Wanning Moon (Banishing/Pushing Out)

New Moon (Psychic & Invoking)

Dark Moon (Banishing & Divination)

Moon Phases in Australia (EST) for 2024:

New MoonWaxing MoonFull MoonWanning Moon
  4 Jan2:30 pm
11 Jan10:57 pm18 Jan2:52 pm26 Jan4:54 am3 Feb10:18 am
10 Feb9:59 am17 Feb2:00 am24 Feb11:30 pm4 Mar2:23 am
10 Mar8:00 pm17 Mar3:10 pm25 Mar6:00 pm2 Apr2:14 pm
9 Apr4:20 am16 Apr5:13 am24 Apr9:48 am1 May9:27 pm
8 May1:21 pm15 May9:48 pm23 May11:53 pm31 May3:12 am
6 Jun10:37 pm14 Jun3:18 pm22 Jun11:07 am29 Jun7:53 am
6 Jul8:57 am14 Jul8:48 am21 Jul8:17 pm28 Jul12:51 pm
4 Aug9:13 pm13 Aug1:18 am20 Aug4:25 am26 Aug7:25 pm
3 Sep11:55 am11 Sep4:05 pm18 Sep12:34 pm25 Sep4:49 am
3 Oct4:49 am11 Oct5:55 am17 Oct10:26 pm24 Oct7:03 pm
1 Nov11:47 pm9 Nov4:55 pm16 Nov8:28 am23 Nov12:27 pm
1 Dec5:21 pm9 Dec2:26 am15 Dec8:01 pm23 Dec9:18 am
31 Dec9:26 am      

(C) T. Georgitsis 2024

Magic of the Lunar Eclipse: 29th October 2023


What, When and Why of the Lunar Eclipse

A Partial Lunar Eclipse is happening during the Full Moon on the 29th October at 7.24am EST (Southern Hemisphere) and 1.23pm PT 28th October (Northern Hemisphere).

A partial lunar eclipse happens during a full moon when the earth’s placement falls between the sun and the moon – which casts a shadow across the moon.

This eclipse will be safely visible with the naked eye from everywhere in the night if the sky is clear.  To see when you can view the eclipse from your area, go here for more information:

Magick of the Eclipse

Eclipse magick is when the energy is amplified due to the moon energies intermingling.  The Lunar Eclipse energies transition through the new and full moon phases during the eclipse, which enables the moon to cycle through the various stages of the moon and its magick.

This eclipse is in Taurus therefore the energies heightened during this time is the Taurus star sign.

The kind of magick you can perform during the Lunar Eclipse:

  • Liminal – magick worked between the darkness and the light.
  • Releasing – let go and relinquish excesses which hold you down.
  • Manifestation – setting goals, intentions and affirmations.
  • Breaking – curses, bad habits, bad relationships and connections.
  • Transformation – self/surroundings, spellwork and health encompassing all aspects of oneself (body/mind/spirit and emotion).
  • Devotion – to lunar or liminal Gods and Goddess.
  • Focus – personal and spiritual development along with illumination and psychic work (divination and magickal goals).


Sorcery of the Full Moon Eclipse

This full moon falls in the star sign of Taurus which symbolises stability.  This moon would be ideal for creating and manifesting financial stability as well as solid connections in friendships and romantic relationships,

Below is a Hekate Eclipse ritual I personally created which I have reenacted successfully and which I would like to share with you:

Hekate Eclipse Magic by Setjataset


Chose a liminal time and place for the ritual to be set, preferably around the time of the eclipse.

Purify body by showering.

Your working space and offering should be placed on a shrine or working altar and should include: black candle, white candle, purified water, salt, a token or offering you have for Hekate, incense and an image/statue of Hekate.

Welcoming and Opening

Open sacred space or the shrine/altar and welcome Hekate by simply calling to her or reciting a hymn, poem, evocation in her name.

Light your incense and waft over sacred space.

Sprinkle purified water mixed with salt over sacred space.

Magical Working

Write or carve on a black candle what you want to get rid of.

Write or carve on a white candle what you want to bring in.

Light both candles.

Push the black candle away from you and the white candle towards you and then say:

“Hekate Queen of Earth, Sky and Sea

Assist me to straddle this liminal time

Guide me through the Darkness and into the Light

With the power of the moon I bless and release my intentions” 

Let the candles burn down completely in a safe manner.

Thanks and Closing

Thank Hekate and close sacred space or the shrine/altar.


In her name



© T. Georgitis 2023

Athenian/Attic Calendar 2023/24

The best time to honour Hekate is on the Deipnon and Noumenia.  Therefore, every year I create an Athenian Calendar to calculate the Deipnon and Noumenia using the Southern Hemisphere New Moons, to ensure my devotions are on the right evenings for my location.  This is calculated by the start off point of the Summer Solstice in Greece of that particular year.

The Athenian Calendar also known as the Attic Calendar was a lunisolar calendar used during the classical period of Ancient Greece during the 4th and 5th Centuries BC.  It was exclusively used in Athens at the time and each month starts at the first sighting of the new moon, with the year beginning just after mid-summer.  It’s become a modern go to for practicing Hellenics and as such, what we use and have today is a reconstruction of what they used around 300-500 BC.  I have superimposed this Athenian Calendar over our modern Gregorian one, to loosely create a festival calendar of 12 months based on the cycle of the moon which starts at the beginning of the Athenian year – on the summer solstice in Athens. The names of the months reflect the gods and festivals honoured at that time and have agricultural links to the planting or harvesting of food in the northern hemisphere.

Here is what the yearly Athenian Calendar basically looks like:

Summer (Θέρος)

1 Hekatombaion (Ἑκατομβαιών) July/August

2 Metageitnion (Μεταγειτνιών) August/September (named after Apollo)

3 Boedromion (Βοηδρομιών) September/October

Autumn (Φθινόπωρον)

4 Pyanepsion (Πυανεψιών) October/November

5 Maimakterion (Μαιμακτηριών) November/December (named after Zeus)

6 Poseideon (Ποσειδεών) December/January

Winter (Χεῖμα)

7 Gamelion (Γαμηλιών) January/February

8 Anthesterion (Ἀνθεστηριών) February/March (named after the festival of Anthesteria)

9 Elaphebolion (Ἑλαφηβολιών) March/April

Spring (Ἔαρ)

10 Mounichion (Μουνιχιών) April/May

11  Thargelion (Θαργηλιών) May/June

12 Skirophorion (Σκιροφοριών) June/July

Every month lasts for approximately 29-30 days in total.  Each month is broken up into 10 days of three which reflect the moon phases in the following order: Waxing, Full and Waning Moons.

Days 1 to 8 were all sacred to gods or spirit entities and the last day of the month, known as “hene kai nea” translated as “the old and the new”, is dedicate to Hekate as it’s her Deipnon along with the first day of the month, Noumenia which is also dedicated to Hekate.

Here are the details of those 8 sacred days in the Athenian Calendar month:

Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon)

Day 2: Agathos Daimon

Day 3: Athena’s Birthday

Day 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Eros

Day 6: Artemis’ Birthday

Day 7: Apollo’s Birthday

Day 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

Day 29-30: Deipnon

To help you with adapting the Athenian Calendar to the Gregorian one, here is the Athenian Calendar I created for 2022/2023, calculated for Southern Hemisphere practitioners:

21 June 2021 (5.57pm), = Summer Solstice in Greece
(Winter Solstice in Australia 22nd June 12.57am AEST)

Summer (Θέρος)

1 Hekatombaion (Ἑκατομβαιών)

18th July – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 4.31am AEST

19th July – Day 2: Agathos Daimon

20th July – Day 3: Athena’s Birthday

21st July – Day 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Eros

23rd July – Day 6: Artemis’ Birthday

24th July – Day 7: Apollo’s Birthday

25th July – Day 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

14th August – 15th August – Day 29-30: Deipnon

2 Metageitnion (Μεταγειτνιών) (named after Apollo)

16th August – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 7.38pm AEST

17th August – Day 2: Agathos Daimon

18th August – Day 3: Athena’s Birthday

19th August – Day 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Eros

21st August – Day 6: Artemis’ Birthday

22nd August – Day 7: Apollo’s Birthday

23rd August – Day 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

13th – 14th September – Day 29-30: Deipnon

3 Boedromion (Βοηδρομιών)

15th September – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 11.39am AEST

16th September – Day 2: Agathos Daimon

17th September – Day 3: Athena’s Birthday

18th September – Day 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Eros

20th September – Day 6: Artemis’ Birthday

21st September – Day 7: Apollo’s Birthday

22nd September – Day 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

13th – 14th October – Day 29-30: Deipnon

Autumn (Φθινόπωρον)

4 Pyanepsion (Πυανεψιών)

15th October – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 4.55am AEST

16th October – Day 2: Agathos Daimon

17th October – Day 3: Athena’s Birthday

18th October – Day 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Eros

20th October – Day 6: Artemis’ Birthday

21st October – Day 7: Apollo’s Birthday

22nd October – Day 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

11th – 12th November – Day 29-30: Deipnon

5 Maimakterion (Μαιμακτηριών) (named after Zeus)

13th November – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 8.27pm AEST

14th November – Day 2: Agathos Daimon

15th November – Day 3: Athena’s Birthday

15th NovemberDay 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Eros

17th November – Day 6: Artemis’ Birthday

18th November – Day 7: Apollo’s Birthday

19th November – Day 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

11th – 12th December – Day 29-30: Deipnon

6 Poseideon (Ποσειδεών)

13th December – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 10.32am AEST

14th December – Day 2: Agathos Daimon

15th December – Day 3: Athena’s Birthday

16th December – Day 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Eros

18th December – Day 6: Artemis’ Birthday

19th December – Day 7: Apollo’s Birthday

20th December – Day 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

20th – 21st January – Day 29-30: Deipnon

Winter (Χεῖμα)

7 Gamelion (Γαμηλιών)

22nd January – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 7.53am AEST

23rd January – Day 2: Agathos Daimon

24th January- Day 3: Athena’s Birthday

25th January – Day 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Eros

27th January – Day 6: Artemis’ Birthday

28th January – Day 7: Apollo’s Birthday

29th January – Day 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

19th – 20th February – Day 29-30: Deipnon

8 Anthesterion (Ἀνθεστηριών) (named after the festival of Anthesteria)

20th February – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 6.05pm AEST

21st FebruaryDay 2: Agathos Daimon

22nd FebruaryDay 3: Athena’s Birthday

23rd FebruaryDay 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Erosc

25th FebruaryDay 6: Artemis’ Birthday

26th FebruaryDay 7: Apollo’s Birthday

27th FebruaryDay 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

20th – 21st February – Day 29-30: Deipnon

9 Elaphebolion (Ἑλαφηβολιών)

22nd March – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 4.23am AEST

23rd March – Day 2: Agathos Daimon

24th March – Day 3: Athena’s Birthday

25th March – Day 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Erosc

27th March – Day 6: Artemis’ Birthday

28th March – Day 7: Apollo’s Birthday

29th March – Day 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

18th – 19th April – Day 29-30: Deipnon

Spring (Ἔαρ)

10 Mounichion (Μουνιχιών)

20th April – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 2.12pm AEST

21st April- Day 2: Agathos Daimon

22nd April – Day 3: Athena’s Birthday

23rd April – Day 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Erosc

25th April – Day 6: Artemis’ Birthday

26th April – Day 7: Apollo’s Birthday

27th April – Day 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

18th – 19th May – Day 29-30: Deipnon

11 Thargelion (Θαργηλιών) 

20th May – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 1.53am AEST

21st May – Day 2: Agathos Daimon

22nd May – Day 3: Athena’s Birthday

23rd May – Day 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Erosc

25th May – Day 6: Artemis’ Birthday

26th May – Day 7: Apollo’s Birthday

27th May – Day 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

16th – 17th June – Day 29-30: Deipnon

12 Skirophorion (Σκιροφοριών)   

18th June – Day 1: Noumenia (New Moon) 2.37pm AEST

19th JuneDay 2: Agathos Daimon

20th JuneDay 3: Athena’s Birthday

21st JuneDay 4: Heracles, Hermes, Aphrodite and Erosc

23rd JuneDay 6: Artemis’ Birthday

24th JuneDay 7: Apollo’s Birthday

25th JuneDay 8: Poseidon and Theseus (Mikalson 1975: 24)

16th – 17th July – Day 29-30: Deipnon

(C) T. Georgitsis 2023

Super Full Blue Moon Magick: 31st August 2023

What, When and Why of the Super Full Blue Moon

We have a Super Full Blue Moon coming up on the 31st of August 2023 at 11.35am EST.

A Supermoon is a New or a Full moon which coincides with the closest distance to the earth in its orbit.  This means the moon appears larger than usual from the perspective from earth.

Magick of the Super Full Blue Moon

This Super Full Blue Moon falls in the astrological sign of Pisces therefore the energies heightened during this time is the Pisces star sign.

Pisces is a Water sign which is ruled by Neptune. Pisces is gentle, spiritual, trusting, loving and diverse. This is a negative mutable sign which thrives on music and art. It is a sign connected to the energies of compassion, intuition, wisdom and solitude.

Sorcery of the Super Full Blue Moon

This Super Full Blue Moon in Pisces is all about honouring your inner self. It is an ideal time to open your mind and connect to your higher self whilst acknowledging your deep emotions.

The kind of magick you can perform during the Super Full Blue Moon:

  1. Boost all magic and spellworkings.
  2. Super charge commitments or oaths made.
  3. Conduct rituals which require a lot of mental and or physical effort.
  4. Heighten magick which focuses on crossroads or apex’s in one’s life or journey. Best time to do this is at liminal times such as sunrise, midday, sunset and midnight.
  5. Ideal time to peacefully clear the slate for new beginnings and allow for innovative change to occur.
  6. Focus on intent which is of a positive and productive nature whilst acknowledging your emotional needs.
  7. Request what you need to fulfil your needs and let go of what doesn’t.
  8. With acceptance and empathy declutter your surroundings, move on from outdated beliefs and fears, remove bad habits or that which no longer aids or serves you to allow space for that which does and brings you self power and happiness.
  9. Request for clarity in one’s life through divination such as water scrying, crystal ball gazing, tarot etc.
  10. Engage in mindfulness and metitation which connecs you to your inner self for balanced introspection.
  11. Create a water based ritual such as a drawing down the moon (I have detailed this in a previous post Hellenic Drawing Down the Moon).
  12. Hold a rite or devotional in honour of a Moon God/dess such as Hekate.

In her name


(C) T. Georgitsis 2023

Super Full Moon Magick: 2nd August 2023

What, When and Why of the Super Full Moon

We have a Super Full Moon coming up on the 2nd August 2023 at 4.31am.

A Supermoon is a New or a Full moon which coincides with the closest distance to the earth in its orbit.  This means the moon appears larger than usual from the perspective from earth.

Magick of the Super Full Moon

This Super Full Moon falls in the astrological sign of Aquarius therefore the energies heightened during this time is the Aquarius star sign.

Aquarius is a Air sign which is ruled by Uranus. It is a sign which is unique and independent. This sign thrives on change, momentum and movement forward. Aquarius is connected to the energies of justice, compassion and connection.

Sorcery of the Super Full Moon

This Super Full Moon in Aquarius is all about letting go and moving on.  It is an ideal time to remove and detox that which no longer is required in your life whilst using the space created to plan for the future.

The kind of magick you can perform during the Super Full Moon:

1. Cast spells for supercharged effects.

2. Create some magickal crafts.

3. Charge your magickal items.

4. Clean and cleanse your shrine/altar.

5. Leave new offerings on your shrine/altar.

6. Perform healing rituals or spells.

7. Write a letter of release for any heartbreak and grief you hold.

8. Focus on things you want to remove from your life and create a plan to let them go.

9. Divination featuring the element of water such as scrying.

10. Cleansing rituals to banish and remove stagnant energies.

11. Honour the rising of Sirius.

12. Plant the seeds for the future and what you want to achieve.

13. Hold a rite in honour of a Moon God/dess such as Hekate.

In her name


(C) T. Georgitsis 2023

Wep Ronpet Dates 2023 (Kemetic/Ancient Egyptian New Year)

What are the Epagomenal Days?

The Epagomenal Days are the five days at the end of the year due to the Ancient Egyptian calendar being divided into 30 days of 12 months.  Due to this falling short of the astronomical year the five extra days were created and assigned to the Gods.

What is Wep Ronpet?

Wep Ronpet also known as the Kemetic New Year is marked by the rising of Sirius aka Sopdet. This year it falls on the 5th August 2023.

Here are the dates for the end of the year including the Epogamenal Days and Wep Ronpet:

A’areq Ronpet – July 30th: Last Day of the Year

Epagomenal Day 1 – July 31st: Birthday of Wesir

Epagomenal Day 2 – August 1st: Birthday of Heru-wer

Epagomenal Day 3 – August 2nd: Birthday of Set

Epagomenal Day 4 – August 3rd: Birthday of Aset 

Epagomenal Day 5 – August 4th: Birthday of Nebt-het

1 August 5th – Wep Ronpet

The Kemetic New Year also known as Wep Ronpet happens this year on the 5th of August 2023.

Below is a list of things you can do, to honour this celebration:

   Open the temple or create sacred space in usual manner.

At dawn, bring out all icons – the statues of your Gods, to be kissed by the rays of Ra (the sun) and cleanse with natron and anoint with oil. 

This is done to ensure icon is charged and purified.

Cut off an image of Apep’s head and throw it away or trample on it outside then dispose of the remains away from the home.

This is done because destroying the image parallel’s the “turning the dangers of the year” at which Sekhmet presides.

Mark on a red clay pot, something to symbolize all the things you want to be rid of, such as anxiety, hate, impatience etc – as long as it’s personal to you and not something that belongs to another, or another person themselves then smash the pot and/or burn it.

This is done to announce to Netjer that you rid yourself of negativity, bad habits etc before the turning of the New Year. 

Take an amulet which you have made or which you have put aside for the specific purposes of the upcoming year and charge it and purify it with natron on the shrine.

This is done as a protection mechanism and to symbolize the promise of good things to come in the New Year.

End the ritual with making special offerings to your Akhu (Ancestors).

The offerings to your Akhu is done to show respect and adoration to those whom came before you and in a sign of acknowledging and venerating your ancestors.

Close the temple and sacred space in usual manner.

(C) T. Georgitsis 2021/22/23